Stefan Grill Cafe Bar as seen on Serbian Television USA
The “Stefan Grill” restaurant opened 5 years ago. In a very short time this restaurant with authentic Balkan cuisine has become a favorite place of many and is considered a restaurant where you can eat good barbecue or home cooked food. Stefan Grill is mostly defined as a family restaurant. Families with children come for lunch every day, and on weekends there are usually lunches with family and friends, birthday celebrations and other fun. The Stefan Grill restaurant is located at the very epicenter of the transportation industry, in the Hodgkins neighborhood near Highway 55, so it’s also a place where a lot of our trucking folks like to come, have lunch and see friends and colleagues.
Real homemade authentic Balkan dishes don’t leave Americans indifferent either. Grilled dishes, sarma, shake, stew with knuckle, beans, various types of fish, pizzas, barrels, hunting stew… are something that distinguishes this restaurant from others. Restaurant manager Vladimir Kurcubic says the key to success is that everyone in the restaurant, from the owner to the staff, breathes as one, the service is high, the food is delicious and fresh, the choice of food is great and any advice and suggestions from guests go unnoticed. Certainly the first-time guests of Vladimir recommend a barbecue because this is what the Stefan Grill restaurant remembers, and you can find everything you heard about barbecue specialties here.
Restoran “Stefan Grill” otovren je pre 5 godina. Za veoma kratko vreme ovaj restoran sa autentičnom balkanskom kuhinjom postao je omiljeno mesto mnogih a važi za restoran gde se može pojesti dobar roštilj ili domaća kuvana hrana. “Stefan Grill” je pretežno definisan kao porodični restoran. Svakodnevno na ručak dolaze porodice sa decom a vikendom su obično ručkovi sa familijom i prijateljima, proslave rođendana i druga veselja. Restoran Stefan Gril se nalazi u samom epicentru transportne industrije, u naselju “Hodgkins” blizu autoputa 55 tako da je i mesto gde dosta naših ljudi iz transportnih kompanija vole da dođu, ručaju i vide se sa prijateljima i kolegama.
Prava domaća autentična balkanska jela ni amerikance ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. Jela sa roštilja, sarma, mućkalica, podvarak sa kolenicom, pasulj, razne vrste riba, pice , bureci, lovački gulaš… su nešto što ovaj restorana izdvaja od drugih. Menadžer restorana Vladimir Kurčubić kaže da je ključ uspeha to što svi u restoranu, počev od vlasnika do osoblja, dišu kao jedan, usluga je na visokom nivou, hrana veoma ukusna i sveža, izbor hrane je veliki a svaki savet i predlog gostiju ne prođe nezapaženo. Svakako gostima koji prvi put dođu Vladimir preporučuje roštilj jer je to ono po čemu se restoran Stefan Gril pamti, a sve ono što ste čuli da postoji od roštiljskih specijaliteta možete naći ovde.